Smart Solutions for Renewable Energy Siting
The best approach towards our state’s goal of providing 100% carbon-free energy by 2045, starts with choosing sites that minimize further environmental impacts and avoid unnecessary risk to communities.
Responsible renewable siting means using locations such as brownfields mine sites, industrial areas (including industrial rooftops), and landfills, to name a few. New Mexico can set an example for the rest of our country, in how to go about transitioning to a green energy future, while saving our open, untouched lands as a last resort for large-scale solar power plants.

Q: What is a Brownfield Site?
A: A brownfield site is a previously developed piece of land that is not currently in use. It may be affected by contamination, but this is not required for a site to be considered brownfield. The term is also used to describe land previously used for industrial or commercial purposes with known or suspected pollution including possible soil contamination due to hazardous waste.
New Mexicans for Responsible Renewables
Support New Mexico in transitioning to clean energy, while avoiding unnecessary risks to our communities and further destruction to our environment.