A Real Concern
Physical security:
Facilities are often unmanned (the Rancho Viejo facility will be unmanned)
Minimal physical security
Outsider threat actors will have time to carry out their action
Stored energy has inherent risks
Batteries – gassing, fire, toxic chemicals Dams, compressed air, flywheels…
Safety risks are mitigated with electronics
Disable protection mechanisms
Cause damage or malfunction of BESS Induce power grid instability – (Centralized or DER) Modify readings to harm awareness
From Cybersecurity of Battery Energy Storage Systems: Rodrigo D. Trevizan, PhD Senior Member of Technical Staff Sandia National Laboratories
Presentation on Cybersecurity of BESS
Sandia National Laboratory; August 2024
New Mexicans for Responsible Renewables
Support New Mexico in transitioning to clean energy, while avoiding unnecessary risks to our communities and further destruction to our environment.